2022-05☆ 系统收录国内期刊论文 129 篇 ☆ 系统收录SCI期刊论文 80 篇 |01| Direct Detection of Reactive Gallium-Hydride Species on the Ga2O3 Surface via Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy Chen, Hongyu. Gao, Pan. Liu, Zhengmao. Liang, Lixin. Han, Qiao. Wang, Zhili. Chen, Kuizhi. Zhao, Zhenchao. Guo, Meiling. Liu, Xuebin. Xiuwen Han. Xinhe Bao. Hou, Guangjin. |02| Oxygenate-based routes regulate syngas conversion over oxide-zeolite bifunctional catalysts NAT CATAL, 2022, 5(7): 594-604. Ji, Yi. Gao, Pan. Zhao, Zhenchao. Xiao, Dong. Han, Qiao. Chen, Hongyu. Gong, Ke. Chen, Kuizhi. Xiuwen Han. Xinhe Bao. Hou, Guangjin. |03| A mechanistic study of syngas conversion to light olefins over OXZEO bifunctional catalysts: insights into the initial carbon-carbon bond formation on the oxide CATAL SCI TECHNOL, 2022, 12(4): 1289-1295. Chen, Hongyu. Liu, Zhengmao. Li, Na. Jiao, Feng. Chen, Yuxiang. Zhao, Zhenchao. Guo, Meiling. Liu, Xuebin. Xiuwen Han. Xiulian Pan. Gong, Xueqing. Hou, Guangjin. Xinhe Bao. | 关注善思微信公众号 | ||||||||||||||||||
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