|01| Structure modeling, synthesis and X-ray diffraction determination of an extra-large calixarene-based coordination cage and its application in drug delivery DALTON T, 2015, 44(32): 14394-14402. Shangchao Du. Yu, Tang-Qing. Wuping Liao*. Hu, Chunhua. |02| A 2D metal-calixarene aggregate involving in situ generated 5-(4-pyridyl)tetrazolate ligand INORG CHEM COMMUN, 2014, 47: 152-154. |03| Thiacalixarene-based nanoscale polyhedral coordination cages COORDIN CHEM REV, 2014, 276: 61-72. | 关注善思微信公众号 | ||||||||||||||||||||
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